Unlimited Membership

Unlimited membership is the best option for those who plan to attend more than one class a week. Unlimited options cannot be shared.

Monthly Auto-Renewal

$119 / month

An auto-renewal option. At least 12-month commitment is required for this option. Unlimited access to in-person classes at Satori Yoga. Drafted monthly from a credit card on file. Cancel anytime after 12th month with a 30-days email notice prior to next auto draft.
Requires contract. Please sign up online or at the studio.
Starter Membership Package: Sign up during your intro deal and get a $50 credit towards the first month ($69)!

Month-to-Month Auto-Renewal

$139 / month

An auto-renewal option. No minimum commitment. Unlimited access to in-person classes at Satori Yoga. Drafted monthly from a credit card on file. Cancel anytime with a 30-days email notice prior to next auto draft.
Requires contract. Please sign up online or at the studio.
Starter Membership Package: Sign up during your intro deal and get a $50 credit towards the first month ($89)!

1 Year (Paid in full)


No commitment due upfront option. 1 year of unlimited access to classes at Satori Yoga. Purchase online or at the studio.

Class Package Membership

Class package membership is the best option for those who plan to attend on average less than one class a week.

Drop-in Class


Single class visit.

10-Class Package


Ten classes to be used at your discretion. Classes must be used within 3 months of purchase.